Health Routine | BACK TO BASICS FOR 2024 💫


Health Routine | BACK TO BASICS FOR 2024 💫

As I reflect on the past year and look forward to 2024, I've been on a personal journey I like to call "glow up to 40" because, you guessed it, I'll be turning 40 this year. In this blog post, I want to share how I've been simplifying my life and refocusing on the basics to feel my absolute best.

2023 was a year of introspection and goal-setting for me. In August, around my birthday, I set some additional goals to push myself towards a "glow up." I wanted to simplify my life and embrace intentional, mindful practices in my daily routine. As I've checked in with myself on this journey, I feel like I've done a beautiful job of being intentional about my choices.

  • One of my primary focuses has been on my health goals. I've started lifting heavier weights three days a week, and I've been getting outdoors for at least 12,000 steps per day on the other two days. It's worth noting that my trusty Oura ring recently gave me an annual review, and I hit at least 15,000 steps on 362 days of the year. I'm committed to moving my body and being mindful about it.

  • Walking has been a passion of mine for the last 3.5 years, and it's a practice I prioritize daily. Whether it's taking the kids to the bus stop, doing laps around the neighborhood, or just ensuring I get at least 6,000 steps before my workday starts, it's a simple yet effective way to meet my health goals.

  • Simplifying my life goes beyond just health routines. It also extends to my physical environment. I've found that having a clean, clutter-free space is essential for my well-being. Visual clutter can be overwhelming, so I opt for a more minimalistic approach when it comes to home decor and possessions. Quality over quantity has become my mantra.

  • When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, I believe that simplicity is key. We often overcomplicate things, whether it's our daily routines, home decor, or even the number of supplements we take. By focusing on the basics and eliminating what doesn't add value, we can achieve our goals without feeling overwhelmed.

I hope this glimpse into my journey back to basics for 2024 inspires you to simplify your life and focus on what truly matters. Whether it's your health, your home, or your daily routine, remember that less can often lead to more fulfillment and a greater sense of well-being.

Thank you for being a part of my journey. I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you, and I can't wait to continue sharing inspiration and motivation for a healthier, happier life in the coming year. If you enjoyed this blog post, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing for more content. Here's to a beautiful and fulfilling 2024! 💫

Health Routine | BACK TO BASICS FOR 2024 💫


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