MEAL PREP | 5 Hormone Balancing Foods for Busy Moms


MEAL PREP | 5 Hormone-Balancing Foods for Busy Mom

As a mom myself, I know how challenging it can be to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a packed schedule. But not to worry, because in today's video, I'll share five powerful foods that can work wonders in balancing your hormones and optimizing overall well-being.

Let's face it, self-care often takes a backseat when we're juggling so many responsibilities. But understanding how hormone balance impacts our mental and physical health is crucial. That's why I'm excited to take you on a journey through simple yet effective dietary choices that can make a significant difference in your everyday life.

As a nutritionist, I've tailored this list specifically for busy moms like us! Recently, I've been on the go, traveling here and there, and it feels like I've been a ping-pong ball! But now that I'm back home and ready to settle into a routine, I'm making sure to nourish my body with hormone-friendly foods.

Let’s talk about the five amazing foods that I'm going to include in my meal plan this week. These foods are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that support our hormonal health.

  1. Rosemary and Mint: These unsung heroes help rid the body of excess estrogen. I love using them in water, spritzers, salads, soups, and sheet pan dinners. They add a wonderful flavor while benefiting our hormones.

  2. Cucumbers: Not only are cucumbers hydrating, but they also contain silica, an incredible mineral for hormone health. Keeping our body hydrated and blood flow moving is essential for hormonal balance.

  3. Jalapeno and Serrano Peppers: These spicy peppers are anti-inflammatory and great for improving blood flow and circulation. Including them in your diet can be especially helpful during menstruation if you experience cramping or pain.

  4. Ground Flax Seeds and Cruciferous Vegetables: High-fiber foods like ground flax seeds and veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower are fantastic for supporting hormone health. They contribute to the body's natural detoxification process and help maintain hormonal balance.

One of my favorite things to do is infuse water with herbs like mint, basil, and rosemary. They are not only healing and anti-inflammatory but also make drinking water more enjoyable. I'll soak the strawberries for a while to ensure they are squeaky clean before adding them to our salads.

Before I go to bed, I always make sure to take my Magnesium Breakthrough from my optimizers. It's become a vital part of my daily routine, and it supports my energy, cognition, and muscle recovery. I also take one in the afternoon to keep me going throughout the day.

With all this prep done, I feel ready to tackle the week ahead and continue my journey to improve my overall physical health. As my birthday is approaching, I'm determined to get in the best shape of my life, not just externally, but also internally.

So, busy moms, let's remember to take care of ourselves and our hormones. Nourishing our bodies with hormone-friendly foods doesn't have to be complicated. Simple meals packed with nutrient-dense ingredients can make a world of difference.

I hope you find these tips helpful in your own meal prep journey. Feel free to watch my video for more insights into hormone-balancing foods and the signs of hormone dysfunction. Remember, we're all in this together, and together, we can achieve our health goals!

MEAL PREP | 5 Hormone-Balancing Foods for Busy Moms




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