Mom Life Motivation | PREPARE FOR BACK TO SCHOOL 📚


Mom Life Motivation | PREPARE FOR BACK TO SCHOOL 📚

As we approach the start of the new school year, I find myself with a long list of tasks to complete before my children head back to the classroom. After a summer spent outdoors and on the go, our home has fallen behind in terms of organization. But with less than two weeks to go, I am feeling motivated to tackle everything on my to-do list!

One major task on my list was to purchase and assemble desks for my children's bedrooms. After living in our current home for two years, we have learned the importance of living in a space before filling it with furniture. So, we took a trip to Ikea and found the perfect desks for our kids. Now, I am focused on organizing their new workspaces and their bathroom drawers, as well as cleaning and organizing the rest of our home.

Preparation for Back to School

Less than two weeks away from school, there is so much to get done before heading back into the classroom. During summer, we tend to spend more time outdoors, and our closets, bedrooms, and the house, in general, may have gotten a little left behind. To prepare for the new school year, I have been busy organizing and cleaning up the house.

Yesterday, we took a trip to Ikea, where the kids each got a desk for their bedroom. We did not have desks in their bedroom before, mainly because we could not find ones that we loved. After living in our space for a little bit, we learned how we use the space and what would be the perfect fit. So, we picked up some desks from Ikea yesterday, and I am going to get the kids' desks organized.

Apart from that, I am also organizing their bathroom drawers. I got some organizers and a little man kit for my son, which he loves. I will wipe out the drawer, put the protective lining in, and get all of those organizers put in for him. My daughter's drawers are going to be a little bit more intricate because she has a lot more stuff than her brother. But I have the perfect system to have it all organized for her.

Apart from organizing the kids' bedrooms and bathroom drawers, I also have a few items that we got for the kitchen from Ikea. I am going to wipe everything down, load in the drawers, and decorate the top. The kids are currently at camp, but they'll be home in about two hours, and I am sure they'll be excited to see how their space came together.

Overall, there is a ton of cleaning and organizing to get everything set for the new school year. I am confident that I will be able to get everything done on my list before school starts.

Mom Life Motivation | PREPARE FOR BACK TO SCHOOL 📚


PRODUCTIVE VLOG | Back to School Organization Tips & Healthy Habits


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