the ULTIMATE glow up guide ⚡️| become that woman by 40


the ULTIMATE glow up guide ⚡️| become that woman by 40

As I approach my 39th birthday, I find myself on a mission to become the best version of myself before I turn 40. For the past decade, my focus has been on building my corporate career, becoming a mother, and running a private nutrition practice. While I have been taking care of myself, I have lost sight of my personal goals and aspirations.

Now, with my youngest child starting kindergarten, I see an opportunity to focus on myself again. I have developed a list of goals to help me become the best version of myself in the next year. These goals are broken down into physical, mental, emotional, family, and social categories.

In terms of physical goals, my top priority is getting enough sleep. I have been using the Oura ring to track my sleep for the past two years and have been taking the BiOptimizers magnesium breakthrough to improve my sleep quality. I plan to continue focusing on getting enough sleep, as it is crucial to achieving my other goals.

I also aim to walk 12,000 steps per day and lift weights three days per week. While I enjoy Pilates, yoga, and walking, lifting weights is not my favorite activity. However, I recognize that it is essential for my physical health and well-being.

Additionally, I plan to continue eating greens with at least two meals per day, having my insurance policy smoothie at least five days per week, and keeping up with my herb water intake.

Overall, I am confident that I can achieve these physical goals and become the best version of myself before I turn 40.

Physical Goals

As physical health is crucial for achieving my overall goal, I have set some physical goals for myself. These include:

  • Continuing to get enough sleep by having a beautiful routine to unwind at night and taking

  • Continuing to crush 12K steps per day and focus on my sleep.

  • Lifting weights three days per week.

  • Eating greens with at least two meals per day.

  • Having my insurance policy smoothie, at least five days per week.

  • Keeping up with my herb water.

Mental Goals

Mental health is equally important for achieving my overall goal. Therefore, I have set some mental goals for myself, which include:

  • Practicing gratitude every day.

  • Meditating for at least 10 minutes every day.

  • Reading at least one book per month.

  • Learning a new skill or taking a course.

Emotional Goals

Emotional health is also essential for achieving my overall goal. Therefore, I have set some emotional goals for myself, which include:

  • Practicing self-love and self-care every day.

  • Journaling at least once a week.

  • Connecting with nature at least once a week.

  • Spending quality time with my loved ones.

Family Goals

As a busy mom, I have set some family goals for myself, which include:

  • Spending quality time with each of my children individually.

  • Having a family game night once a week.

  • Planning a family vacation.

Social Goals

  • Social connections are also crucial for achieving my overall goal. Therefore, I have set some social goals for myself, which include:

  • Connecting with a friend at least once a week.

  • Volunteering for a cause I care about.

the ULTIMATE glow up guide ⚡️| become that woman by 40


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