Day In The Life | GLOW UP TO 40 💫


Day In The Life | GLOW UP TO 40 💫

Today, I'm excited to share with you a day in my life as I embark on my journey to glow up to 40. If you're as curious as I am about this adventure, let's explore the highlights of my day:

  1. A Helping Hand at School 🏫 My day begins with a heartwarming twist as I spend my morning volunteering at my kids' school. I'm the designated media room mom, and it's a delightful experience helping out with books, computers, and kindergarteners. 📚

  2. Mapping Out 2023 Goals 📆 I take a moment to share my ambitious goals for the year. The key, I've learned, is systematic integration. It's all about finding the perfect balance and going with the flow, adapting to each day's unique needs. 💪

  3. A Sunny Fall Day ☀️ After a bustling morning, I'm treated to the sight of the sun, which has been elusive for weeks. I plan to head back home, make a comforting cup of coffee, and sit down to share some updates with you all. ☕

  4. Beauty and Wellness Ritual 💆‍♀️ My journey to glow up extends to my skincare and overall wellness. I'm all about nourishing my skin from the inside out, savoring herb-infused water, and sharing my passion for plant-based hydration. 🌿

  5. Closet Organization Tips 👗 Let's take a peek into my closet organization skills. From matching sets to seasonal PJs, I've got a method for keeping my wardrobe efficient and stylish. Plus, I'll share how my style has evolved over the years. 👚

If you've been looking for some inspiration on embracing your unique glow-up journey, look no further! It's all about setting goals, staying mindful, and taking care of your well-being in the process. Here's to each of us embracing our unique glow-up journey, no matter where we are on the path. 🌠

Day In The Life | GLOW UP TO 40 💫


HEALTHY HABITS RESET | Stress And Anxiety Relief
