HEALTHY HABITS RESET | Stress And Anxiety Relief


HEALTHY HABITS RESET | Stress And Anxiety Relief

Can you believe it's already November? I know, time is flying by, and with the busy holiday season just around the corner, things can get pretty chaotic. That's why I'm excited to share my personal "Healthy Habits Reset" routine with you, focusing on stress and anxiety relief. 😌

Today, let's dive into my journey from stressed to serene, inspired by the Living Well updates for November. As a holistic nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner, my mission is to help you live your healthiest life. So, let's get started! 💪

1. Morning Routine Bliss ☀️

I've always been a firm believer in the power of a solid morning routine. Waking up around 5:00 am is my jam, allowing me a full hour dedicated to myself. I kick off with my morning tonic and some gratitude journaling. This sets a grateful and stress-free tone for the day. It's essential, especially during the holiday season. 🌅

2. Collaboration with Merit 💄

In this video, I'm excited to share a collaboration with Merit, a luxury clean beauty brand. Their products, like the complexion stick, have been my obsession for over three years. They bridge the gap between high-quality, natural, non-toxic products and a touch of luxury. As someone who's not a makeup expert, these easy-to-use products are a godsend in my morning routine. 💅

3. A Quick Whole Foods Haul 🛒

After soccer practice, I made a stop at Whole Foods to stock up on some essentials. I grabbed some items like Beekeeper natural propolis, bath bombs for a family we're "booing," and my daughter's favorite freeze-dried mangoes. It's these little things that make a difference in keeping stress at bay. 🍯🛁🍊

4. The Magic of Salmon 🐟

Salmon has become a regular in our family's diet, and it's not just because it's delicious. It's packed with vitamin D and Omega-3s that help regulate dopamine and serotonin, inducing a sense of calm. It's all part of my plan to focus on foods that regulate our nervous systems and provide a calming effect. 🍽️🧘‍♀️

5. The Evening Routine 🌙

I often talk about morning routines, but the evening routine is equally vital. It's my time to decompress, relax, and prepare for a good night's sleep. A little self-care goes a long way. 🌟

6. My Skincare Journey 🧖‍♀️

I've been sharing my skincare journey, emphasizing the importance of glowing skin from the inside out. I'm all about supporting myself internally and externally. The TR serum and other products are part of my quest to maintain youthful, healthy skin without filler or Botox. 💆‍♀️✨

So, there you have it – my healthy habits reset for stress and anxiety relief. I hope you found some inspiration in my routine and the simple steps I take to reduce stress and promote well-being. Don't forget to watch the video for the full details, and if you enjoyed this blog post, give it a thumbs up! Make sure to subscribe so you won't miss my next post.

Stay stress-free and serene until next time! 💖😊

HEALTHY HABITS RESET | Stress And Anxiety Relief




Day In The Life | GLOW UP TO 40 💫